
Seguimos trajando en México D.F.... / Still working in Mexico City...

… seguimos siendo dos más entre sus más de 20.000.000 de personas, andamos sin rumbo, sin GPS, sin Google Maps, sin nada que nos oriente, o que nos explique donde estamos, ya lo hace su gente, gritan vendiéndolo todo, comida, zapatos, bolsos, entradas a algún museo que hoy no queremos ver, te ofrecen hasta la certeza de tu futuro y la limpieza de tu aura. Humo, agua, incienso, aceite, betún, hierba, huele a ciudad repleta. Es domingo, dejamos que la gente que sabe donde va nos empuje y dé vueltas con nuestro cuerpo, de golpe estamos frente a la Catedral y dentro el Cristo del Cacao sentado a oscuras, tranquilo, nos espera rodeado de este fruto.

… we still are two more among its more than 20,000,000 people, we walk aimlessly, without GPS, without Google Maps, with nothing to guide us, or to tell us where we are, people do it, they shout selling everything, food, shoes, bags, tickets for a museum that today we don't want to visit, they even offer you the certainty of your future and the cleaning of your aura. Smoke, water, incense, oil, polish, grass, it's the smell of a packed city. It's Sunday, people that know where they're going push us, they make our bodies turn, we let them do it, we're suddenly facing the Cathedral and, inside, Our Lord of Cacao sits in the dark, quietly waiting for us surrounded by this fruit.

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